The link between Parkinson’s and dairy may not just be explained by the pesticides and lactose.

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Dairy and Parkinson’s? See Preventing Parkinson’s Disease With Diet (

Lactose and Parkinson’s? See Could Lactose Explain the Milk - Parkinson’s Disease Link? (

Uric acid as an antioxidant? I’ve touched on that before in Miocene Meteorites and Uric Acid (

If levels are too high consider cutting down on Flesh and Fructose ( and eating cherries (see Gout Treatment with a Cherry on Top ( and Treating Gout with Cherry Juice ( Check out Preventing Gout Attacks with Diet (

Can a plant-based diet be used to treat Parkinson’s? See Treating Parkinson’s Disease With Diet ( Any plant foods in particular that may help? Try nightshade veggies:

• Is Something in Tobacco Protective Against Parkinson’s Disease? (
• Peppers and Parkinson’s: The Benefits of Smoking Without the Risks? (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Image Credit: Meditations via Pixabay. Image has been modified.
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