Five cents worth of seaweed a day may dramatically improve a major cause of disability and compromised quality of life among women.

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I’m so glad I finally got an endometriosis video out. I think the only other video I touch on it is What Diet Best Lowers Phthalate Exposure? (

I’ve also been neglecting sea vegetables. I did do Which Seaweed is Most Protective Against Breast Cancer? ( and more recently, Wakame Seaweed Salad May Lower Blood Pressure ( with more on the way.

I’d recommend staying away from kelp and hijiki, though. See Too Much Iodine Can Be as Bad as Too Little (

Other natural remedies for menstrual problems include
• Dietary Treatment for Painful Menstrual Periods (
• Flax Seeds for Breast Pain (
• Ginger for Nausea, Menstrual Cramps, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (
• Fennel Seeds for Menstrual Cramps and PMS (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Image credit: kreuzfeld via pixabay. Image has been modified.
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