The reason why women who have more frequent bowel movements appear to be at lower risk for breast cancer may be because bile acids absorbed from our intestines concentrate in the breast and have an estrogen-like tumor promoting effect.

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I touched on this in my new live presentation From Table to Able: Combating Disabling Diseases with Food ( that just came out, but what I didn’t get to discuss is the relative bile acid binding abilities of different foods. I’ll cover that in my next video Which Vegetable Binds Bile Best?.

What intestinal transit time should we be shooting for? See Food Mass Transit (, That may be why Stool Size Matters ( We can improve speed and size by Bulking Up on Antioxidants ( and eating lots of whole plant foods (Prunes vs. Metamucil vs. Vegan Diet

Fiber may also help women remove excess estrogen from their body. See my video Fiber vs. Breast Cancer ( For more on the wonders of fiber, see Dr. Burkitt’s F-Word Diet (

For more of my latest videos on breast cancer prevention and survival, see:
• Flaxseeds & Breast Cancer Prevention(
• Breast Cancer and Alcohol: How Much Is Safe? (
• Breast Cancer Risk: Red Wine vs. White Wine? (
• Breast Cancer Survival Vegetable (
• BRCA Breast Cancer Genes and Soy (
• Cholesterol Feeds Breast Cancer Cells (
• Statin Cholesterol Drugs and Invasive Breast Cancer (

Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at
breast-cancer-and-constipation/ and he'll try to answer it!
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