The effects of coconut oil are compared to butter and tallow. Even if virgin coconut oil and other saturated fats raise LDL “bad” cholesterol, isn’t that countered by the increase in HDL “good” cholesterol?

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I love topics that give me an excuse to talk about scientific concepts more generally, like various study designs in my video Prostate Cancer & Organic Milk vs. Almond Milk ( or my discussion of direct versus indirect risk factors here. Surprised that HDL raising may not matter? I’m going to be delving into that much deeper in an upcoming video series such it is such a revolution in our thinking. How do we know LDL is really bad, though? Check out: How Do We Know that Cholesterol Causes Heart Disease? (

But wait, isn’t the whole saturated fat thing bunk? No, see my videos The Saturated Fat Studies: Set Up to Fail ( and The Saturated Fat Studies: Buttering Up the Public ( and the American Heart Association’s Presidential Advisory (

Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion in What About Coconuts, Coconut Milk, and Coconut Oil MCTs? (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Icons created by Tom Glass, Jr., Luis Prado, Catherine Please, Martin Chapman Fromm, Iconic, Hopkins, and Px icon from The Noun Project.

Image credit: Kristina DeMuth
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