The hormones naturally found in foods of animal origin may help explain why women who eat conventional diets are five times more likely to give birth to twins than those eating plant-based diets.

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Minimizing dairy, our nation’s #1 source of saturated fat may be a good idea for dad’s too: Dairy Estrogen and Male Fertility (

What about the endocrine-disrupting xenoestrogens--how do they compare with the natural hormones in our food supply? That was the topic of my last video, Estrogen in Meat, Dairy, and Eggs (

Then once they’re born, best to stick to human milk:
Cow’s Milk-Induced Infant Apnea (
Cow’s Milk Casomorphism and Crib Death (
Cow’s Milk Casomorphin and Autism (

Then as young children, dairy can sometimes cause another problem:
Childhood Constipation and Cow’s Milk (

Here’s a selection of other pregnancy-related videos:
• Hair Testing For Mercury Before Considering Pregnancy (
• Chamomile Tea May Not Be Safe During Pregnancy (
• DDT in Umbilical Cord Blood (
• The Wrong Way to Detox (
• Diet Soda and Preterm Birth (
• Infant Seizures Linked to Mother’s Spirulina Use (
• How Long to Detox from Fish Before Pregnancy (
• Bacon, Eggs, and Gestational Diabetes (
• Garlic and Raisins to Prevent Premature Birth (

Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he'll try to answer it!

Image Credit: Sprogz via Flickr.
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