What’s more important: probiotics or prebiotics? And where best to get them?

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We have shifted to a new look for our videos, pulling in motion graphics design specialists to help mix things up. This one was done by Avocado Video’s (http://www.avocadovideo.com/) Lucas Kavanagh (http://www.lucas.fyi/) and Jesse Lupini (http://www.jesselupini.com/). Lucus is a scientist passionate about finding innovative ways to communicate intricate concepts who says he’s “excited to be working with NutritionFacts to help make peer-reviewed health information accessible to anyone.” Jesse is a director and producer with a love for science and education who say she’s “thrilled to be working with NutritionFacts, a beacon of science-driven health information in a sea of online nutritional voodoo and pseudo-science.”

The microbiome is one of the most exciting research areas in medicine these days. For more, see for example:

• Bowel Wars: Hydrogen Sulfide vs. Butyrate (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/bowel-wars-hydrogen-sulfide-vs-butyrate/)
• Putrefying Protein & “Toxifying” Enzymes (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/putrefying-protein-and-toxifying-enzymes/)
• Microbiome: The Inside Story (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/microbiome-the-inside-story/)
• What’s your Gut Microbiome Enterotype? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/whats-your-gut-microbiome-enterotype/)
• How to Change your Enterotype (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-change-your-enterotype/)
• Paleopoo: What We Can Learn from Fossilized Feces (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/paleopoo-what-we-can-learn-from-fossilized-feces/)
• Egg Industry Response to Choline & TMAO (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/egg-industry-response-to-choline-and-tmao/)
• Is Obesity Infectious? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-obesity-infectious/)
• How to Develop a Healthy Gut Ecosystem (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/How-to-Develop-a-Healthy-Gut-Ecosystem)

More on health sources of prebiotics in:

• Prebiotics: Tending our Inner Garden (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/prebiotics-tending-our-inner-garden/)
• Gut Dysbiosis: Starving Our Microbial Self ---(mentioned in video?) (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/gut-dysbiosis-starving-microbial-self/)
• Resistant Starch and Colon Cancer (http://nutritionfacts.org/videos/resistant-starch-and-colon-cancer)
• Gut Microbiome - Strike It Rich with Whole Grains (http://nutritionfacts.org/videos/gut-microbiome-strike-it-rich-with-whole-grains)

Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-become-a-fecal-transplant-super-donor and someone on the NutritionFacts.org team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-become-a-fecal-transplant-super-donor.

If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=nutritionfactsorg

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Image credit: Newtown graffiti via flickr. Image has been modified.

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