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DESCRIPTION: A component of cooked ginger root protects human white blood cells in vitro against radiation-induced genetic damage, and lemonbalm tea appears to protect radiology staff against radiation-induced oxidative stress.

This is the final installment of a five video series on preventing and treating radiation damage. I started with Fukushima and Radioactivity in Seafood (, on avoiding radiation exposure in one's diet and then moved to diagnostic medical and dental radiation in Cancer Risk from CT Scan Radiation ( and Do Dental X-Rays Cause Brain Tumors? ( In the last video, Mediating Radiation Exposure from Air Travel (, I reviewed population studies of airline pilots and Chernobyl victims that studied which dietary components may decrease radiation-induced DNA damage and cancer risk.

For those interested in the Nuremburg narrative, I touch on other cases of medical mistreatment in:

• Plant-Based Diets For Breast Pain (
• Gut Feelings: Probiotics and Mental Health (
• Lavender for Migraine Headaches (
• Plant-Based Bioidentical Hormones (
• Get the Lead Out (

The prior lemonbalm video I reference is one of my favorites, Antioxidants in a Pinch (

What else can ginger do? See:

• Plants vs. Pesticides (
• Treating Gorlin Syndrome With Green Tea (
• Dangerous Advice From Health Food Store Employees (
• Amyloid and Apple Juice (

I've since added ginger to my pink juice ( and hibiscus punch ( recipes.

Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he'll try to answer it!

Image Credit: Nataraja via Wikimedia.
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