How does sorghum compare with other grains in terms of protein, antioxidants, and micronutrients? Learn why sorghum is one of my favorite new grains, and the benefits of red sorghum compared to black and white varieties.

Should we all be seeking gluten-free grains? See:
• Is Gluten Sensitivity Real? (
• Gluten-Free Diets: Separating the Wheat from the Chat (
• How to Diagnose Gluten Intolerance (

You might also be interested in my videos on millet. Studies on Millet: Is It a Healthy Grain? ( and The Benefits of Millet for Diabetes (

The How Not to Diet Cookbook is full of delicious and healthful grain recipes. Check out the recipes (

“Resistant starch?” Learn more in Resistant Starch and Colon Cancer ( and Getting Starch to Take the Path of Most Resistance (

For more on the benefits of different grains, see:
• Gut Microbiome: Strike It Rich with Whole Grains (
• Benefits of a Macrobiotic Diet for Diabetes (
• Which Is a Better Breakfast: Cereal or Oatmeal? (
• Are Ancient Grains Healthier? (
• Benefits of Quinoa for Lowering Triglycerides (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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