Beta glucan fiber in nutritional yeast may improve immune function but there is a concern about lead contamination in some brands.

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What a frustrating experience it was hounding these companies to answer simple questions about the safety of their products. Just as I finished recording this video, though, I had a revelation: why not do our own testing? Even if all the companies did get back to us, why should we believe what they say? So I am hereby announcing the Research Fund ( Do you eat nutritional yeast? Even if you don't, do you want to know if the companies were lying? Then donate to the Fund ( and as soon as we’ve raised enough I’ll send off samples from each of these brands to an accredited lab and we’ll find out. Any money left over in the Fund ( will go to future research projects. Want to know if there’s heavy metals in popular brands of amla ( or turmeric? Should we check Eden Foods preliminary bean results? ( Check for oxidation by-products in DHA supplements? You tell me! Leave your suggestions and comments on the Research Fund page ( and we’ll post all the results when they come in.

Important to know since they don’t call it nutritional for nothing. See:
• Preserving Immune Function in Athletes With Nutritional Yeast (
• Why Athletes Should Eat Nutritional Yeast (
• Daily Source of Vitamin B12 (

If you do have gout there is a natural remedy that may help, see Gout Treatment with a Cherry on Top ( and Treating Gout with Cherry Juice (

Anything else we can do during cold season? See:
• Boosting Immunity Through Diet (
• Boosting Natural Killer Cell Activity (
• Preventing the Common Cold with Probiotics? (
• Can Gargling Prevent The Common Cold? (

Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he'll try to answer it!

Image Credit: Sergio Alvarez via Flickr.
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