This is a bunion correction surgery performed by Dr Moore using the TenFUSE Nail allograft to fixate the chevron (Austin bunionectomy) osteotomy.

The TenFuse Nail allograft is derived from 100% solid human cortical bone (not crushed). It is also partially demineralized for osteoconductivity and osteoinductivity for consistent, better toe positioning and faster healing. They are manufactured at Solana Surgical, a Wright Medical company. The 2 pins in this video are used for osteotomy stabilization (austin bunionectomy surgery) that serve patients who do not wish to have metallic fixation or those who react to foreign, 'absorbable' fixation devices.


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Dr. Moore is a board certified foot and ankle surgical specialist / podiatrist in Houston, Texas delivering care for complex foot and ankle disorders as well as cosmetic or reconstructive procedures, problems related to sports injuries and other medical conditions in the Houston, TX area.

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