What causes foot and ankle joint pain? And what can you do about it? When we evaluate our patients foot and ankle joint pain problems, we believe that giving a variety of treatment options, including non surgical treatments, is a top priority.

At our practice our patients always have three choices:

- No Treatment (Consultation, Second Opinion, Additional Testing)
- Conservative Treatment (Medication, Injection Therapy, Custom Orthotics)
- Surgical Treatment (In Office, Out Patient – Local / Sedation / General Anesthesia)

Every patient is unique. Conservative treatments vs. surgical correction both differ for the particular type of ankle problem, age and lifestyle. The right treatment must also meet the patient’s expectations in regard to resolution of their problem and future functionality. And if conservative treatment fails, the option to not have surgery is as important as the surgery chosen by your surgeon.


More Ankle Pain and Ankle Arthritis Information:


Ankle Fracture Surgery Video:

Custom Orthotics Mold Casting Demo:

Watch the ‘Ask Dr. Moore’ series where he answers commonly asked questions from our viewers. Add a question in the comments and he may answer your question too!

See more ‘Corrective Cosmetic’ foot and ankle surgeries:

See more ‘Reconstructive’ foot and ankle surgeries:


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Visit our website or give us a call to make an appointment:


Dr. Moore is a board certified foot and ankle surgical specialist / podiatrist in Houston, Texas delivering care for complex foot and ankle disorders as well as cosmetic or reconstructive procedures, problems related to sports injuries and other medical conditions in the Houston, TX area.

Check out Dr. Moore's blog: www.Dr-Robert-J-Moore-III.com

Stay Healthy and One Step Ahead!

#JointPain #FootPain #AnklePain