Ankle swelling can come from many sources, the top being ankle arthritis, ankle sprains, gout, and circulation issues. At Moore Foot and Ankle Specialists we have upgraded our treatment options for these conditions and more. In house digital x-rays are the first step and medications vary from orals to topical pain combinations to injections in the office. We can relieve pain immediately with a cortisone injection or work with the new stem cell research and new products that help healing.

Then there is the cornerstone of our treatment program, the ankle arthroscope. It not only serves as a diagnostic tool since the arthroscopic examination portion gives us the ability to see things that are missed on X-ray and MRI tests. The treatment portion is the most exciting since now we have upgraded instruments that can remove the damaged cartilage and then prepare the space for better healing and addition of biologic healing products.

As for other problems like weak ankles or ankle instability from repetitive sprains, we can repair the ankle ligaments at the same time as the ankle arthroscope.

Lastly are the new ankle replacement models that have come out over the past 5 years. They are far superior than the earlier models and ankle fusions can be avoided in the right patient.


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Dr. Moore is a board certified foot and ankle surgical specialist / podiatrist in Houston, Texas delivering care for complex foot and ankle disorders as well as cosmetic or reconstructive procedures, problems related to sports injuries and other medical conditions in the Houston, TX area.

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