Thanks to KPRC Channel 2 News and Rachel McNeill, we were able to get the word out on some of the newest devices to correct Hammer Toes and other toe deformities.

Cosmetic Hammer Toe Surgery is one of the top 5 patient visits we see at Moore Foot and Ankle Specialists. This procedure is covered by insurance because of it's position and pain associated with different types of shoes. If there is a 'corn' or thickened skin condition on top of the toe, this too can be removed during the procedure. In fact, the prominent part of the toe 'knuckle' pressing against the shoe is responsible for the corn formation, meaning it is not a skin condition that can be addressed in the office, but actually a reaction from the bone and pressure on the skin.

The TenFUSE PIP by Wright Medical is manufactured from human cortical bone, a non metallic device for keeping the toe straight after surgery and avoiding the old method of metal pins exiting the ends of the toes.

Post operative care is simple with sutures removed at 2 weeks and return to shoes 2-4 weeks.


Hammertoe Surgery Info:

More ‘Corrective Cosmetic’ foot and ankle surgeries:


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Dr. Moore is a board certified foot and ankle surgical specialist / podiatrist in Houston, Texas delivering care for complex foot and ankle disorders as well as cosmetic or reconstructive procedures, problems related to sports injuries and other medical conditions in the Houston, TX area.

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