In this video, Dr Moore explains how the Arthrex Internal Brace is designed to reinforce the anterior talofibular ligament after the 'Modified Brostrom' procedure.

Most foot and ankle specialists will perform a ligament repair surgery like the 'Modified Brostrom' if the patient has had frequent ankle sprains, ankle instability or the quintessential 'weak ankle' or ankle 'giving out'. Tests include the initial x-rays, MRI, and 'anterior drawer sign' at the clinical evaluation pre operatively.

The high points of this surgical equipment are the bone anchors that are offered as an absorbable material and insert 'peek' material. The drills are cannulated for ease of use and maintaining position of the portals and hand held taps and drivers are as easy to use as they are intelligently designed for each part of the procedure. Finally, the brace material itself is made of fiber wire at 5 times the standard strength.


Watch Dr. Moore perform the actual ankle surgery with the same Internal Brace and equipment here:

Watch more ‘Reconstructive’ foot and ankle surgeries:

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Dr. Moore is a board certified foot and ankle surgical specialist / podiatrist in Houston, Texas delivering care for complex foot and ankle disorders as well as cosmetic or reconstructive procedures, problems related to sports injuries and other medical conditions in the Houston, TX area.

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