Motherhood and the idea of becoming a parent to a precious bundle of joy is an experience that stands unmatched. Sometimes, couples find it hard to get pregnant in the ordinary course of their relationship. If you are someone who has been waiting for the stick to turn positive but hasn't had the privilege to enjoy that yet, you can turn to IVF.
There is a notion that IVF may lead to twin pregnancies, but it's not always true. Only 30-35% of IVF cases lead to twin pregnancies, as mentioned by a fantastic gynaecologist in Noida, Dr Sushmita Prakash! (0:08)

Most people know that IVF is the mating of male sperm and female eggs outside the woman's body. Mature eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and fertilized with the men's sperms in a lab to create a fertilized embryo (0:20). In another five days, the embryo multiplies and divides its cells to form a blastocyst (0:54).

A blastocyst is an excellent stage in IVF, especially if two embryos are implanted in the woman's uterus since there is a higher chance of pregnancy. Although, the expecting parent's consent is essential before any number (1 or 2) of the embryo is transplanted into the woman's uterus. (1:01)

There are at least five kinds of embryo transfers, namely:
- Fresh: It’s when the embryo transfer hasn’t been frozen
- Frozen: This embryo transfer is when a frozen embryo is taken from a previous IVF cycle is thawed and implanted in a woman's uterus
- Cleavage: This embryo stage happens on day 3 when embryo cells begin to divide, although the embryo doesn’t grow in size
- Blastocyst: The day 5 of embryo transfer is called a blastocyst, and it refers to when the embryo contains around 60-120 cells within

Multiple embryo transfer: Lastly, if more than one embryo is transferred to the woman's embryo is known as various embryo transfer, and doctors can only do it with the parent's consent

With multiple embryo transfers, both parents and doctors expect a higher rate of success since one of the embryos is likely to implant itself into the uterus (1:16). IVF can lead to three clear outcomes (1:25):
- Failure of embryo transplant
- Single-child, if one embryo sticks
- Twins, if two embryos get implanted

While all twin pregnancies are considered high-risk, doctors will keep a close eye to ensure the good health of the mother. Potential risks for multiple pregnancies can be early contractions and preterm delivery (2:03). Also, expecting mothers are likely to get anaemia, so a close watch is essential! (2:32)

Dr Sushmita Prakash is one of the best gynaecologists in Noida. She has a prosperous 13 years of experience and has solid expertise in fertilization, High-risk pregnancy, abortion, IVF etc. Moreover, she has tackled several complicated medical cases with great empathy. Watch her introduction from 00:14.


What are the early signs of twin pregnancy?
There may not always be symptoms of twin pregnancy, but you can still be on the lookout for the following:
- Premature fetal movement, especially in several areas
- Larger baby bump
- Quick weight gain
- High hCG levels
- Listening to two heartbeats on fetal doppler

Are there any risks or complications of multiple pregnancies?
Yes, twin or multiple pregnancies come with a fair share of complications and risks like preterm labour, premature birth, gestational hypertension, anaemia, miscarriages, congenital disabilities, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, amniotic fluid absurdities, postpartum haemorrhage, etc.

Does an expecting mother of twin babies need to double her calorie intake?
People have a common misconception that twin pregnancy means that the mother needs to double their intake of calories to ensure proper nutrition for babies. However, pregnancy nutrition is not reliant on the number of babies a mother carries; instead, it depends on body mass index. So, all you need to do is eat healthily and to your body's weight.

Where can you find the best gynaecologist in Noida to help with twin pregnancies?
When pregnant with twins, visiting the doctor's clinic for prenatal checkups and monitoring becomes even more essential.
You can find the best gynaecologist in Noida on Apollo 24/7. Alternatively, search for Dr Sushmita Prakash on the Apollo website or follow this link -

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