SI Joint pain (or sacroiliac joint pain) is often felt in the low back, and it's on one side or the other. Sometimes it’s called a pelvic rotation. Here are some SI Joint pain stretches & exercises. More SI Joint Pain stretches:

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Muscle Energy Techniques (MET) are a great way to help get the SI joint back in alignment. They are basically isometric exercises. For the first technique, you need to know which way your rotation is, so if you don’t know, don’t do this exercise.

Next, pushing on your SI joint, and moving the leg in specific ways can sometimes help re-align the SI joint as well.

Often the SI joint also gets out of alignment from tight muscles. So it’s also important to stretch your hip flexors and hamstrings to help take pressure off the area.

Finally hip hikes and deep squats will help strengthen the area to keep it in alignment and protect the area.

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