This 15-minute ab workout with weights will take your abs to a whole new level of strength and definition. These are the best dumbbell ab exercises to tone your midsection and tighten up your six-pack. So grab your weights and lets get to work.


Are you sick of doing hundreds of sit ups and crunches and not seeing the ab results you desire?

Stop wasting your time and start adding some resistance to your core workouts.

Think about it - when was the last time you did 3 sets of 20 - 30 reps of crunches? I dare say the last core workout you did probably included these types of sets/reps.

Now think about the last time you did some barbell squats. Did you do 3 sets of 30? Absolutely not!

You probably added weight until you could perform 3 sets of 10 reps with a little struggle on numbers 8-10.

So the question needs to be asked - as you've been getting stronger and progressing resistance on all your exercises, why haven't you applied the same principle to your abs/core?!

If you want to see progress and if you want your abs to get stronger and more defined you have to be doing some kind of resisted work... [PERIOD].

That's why today I wanted to share with you 6 of my favorite dumbbell ab exercises in one amazing core workout with weights to sculpt your midsection and tone up that six pack.

In this workout we'll perform 6 great ab exercises with dumbbells in a sequential circuit. That means you'll start with exercise #1, then #2, and so on until you've done one set of all 6 of them. You'll then start over at #1 again and repeat this process 2 more times (3 sets total).

We'll perform 10 reps of each exercise.

1. Dumbbell Dying Bug Exercise - activates the deepest layer of your abs to tone your stomach in tight. 10 reps.

2. Double Leg Raise with Dumbbell Jack - great activation of the upper abs. 10 reps.

3. Accordion Crunch with Military Press - upper, middle, and lower ab muscle exercise with a balance component. 10 reps.

4. Dumbbell Heel Touches - roasting the obliques with some resisted lateral motion.

5. Dumbbell Pike Crunch - roast the abs with a dumbbell in your hands AND between your feet.

6. Side Plank Hip Dip - one of my favorites for the obliques; we'll take it next-level with some weight.

Repeat this whole series three times through and CONGRATULATIONS - you totally nailed this core workout with weights!

I'm sure your abs will be feeling this one for days to come!


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