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MySQL has a special set of words or symbols that perform certain operations. These special symbols or words are known as operators. These operators are applied to operands to perform a specific operation. In today’s tutorial, we will be discussing about these amazing operators in MySQL and we’ll get to know how easy they make work for us.

Broadly operators in MySQL can be classified into three categories i.e. Arithmetic Operators, Comparison Operators and Logical Operators. Talking about Arithmetic Operators, they are generally used to perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus etc.

Comparison operators as their name suggests are used to make comparisons between operands. They return True or False value according to the condition specified. Some of the Logical Operators in MySQL are BETWEEN, AND, OR, EXISTS, NOT, IN , ALL, LIKE, ANY, ISNULL, UNIQUE, NOT IN etc. To know more about these operators in detail, watch this tutorial till the end.

Following pointers will be covered in this video:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:10 Operators in MySQL
00:01:29 AND Operators
00:01:58 OFF Operators
00:02:24 NOT Operators
00:03:00 Demo on Operators
00:11:20 IN Operators
0:11:49 Between Operators

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