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Today, we have data present everywhere around us in the form of text, bills, photos, videos etc. Hence, It's management has become really important. Today, we'll be discussing the basics of MySQL and we will be guiding you through the basic concepts of MySQL which will help you manage this immense data.

SQL is known as Structured Query Language. SQL is the standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving the data in databases. We will be covering the basics of SQL through various examples. A database usually contains one or more tables and we apply different functionalities on the records of this database. We apply SQL commands or Queries on this database.

In this tutorial, we will be teaching about data manipulation, it's extraction and fetching. Through this example, we will teach you how to update, read, create, delete data in a database. We will use different techniques such as Joins and we will learn to use various other SQL functions as well. So, stay tuned and watch the video till the end.

Following pointers will be covered in this video:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:04 What is SQL?
00:02:14 Getting Started with MySQL
00:02:22 Installing MySQL
00:03:22 Data Types in MySQL
00:04:01 String Data Types in MySQL
00:06:00 Types of Command in MySQL: DDL
00:08:53 Demo - DDL Commands on SQL
00:27:33 Types of Command in MySQL: DML
00:29:18 Demo - DML Commands on SQL
00:33:32 Types of Command in MySQL: DQL
00:36:53 Types of Command in MySQL: DCL
00:45:03 Types of Command in MySQL: TCL
00:45:57 Filter Records in MySQL

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