We’re turning the tables on Raise the Line co-host Shiv Gaglani today who will be answering questions, instead of asking them, about Osmosis from Elsevier’s Year of the Zebra campaign. As Shiv explains to host Michael Carrese, he first became interested in rare diseases meeting patients as a medical student at Johns Hopkins University a decade ago. His discomfort with the standard advice given to medical students to think of horses (the common condition) and not zebras (the rare condition) when determining a diagnosis sparked an interest in learning more. In the ensuing years he created a partnership between Osmosis and NORD, one of the leading rare disease organizations in the world. One result of that relationship is 200 Osmosis educational videos on rare conditions which provide critically needed information to health students, providers and patients. He has also sought out rare disease patients and parents of children with rare conditions to find out what more could be done to help them. “The more of them I've met, the more inspired I am by their stories and the things they've done as community organizers, researchers, scientists, advocates and policy changemakers.” Don’t miss this lively conversation about the components of the campaign - including Elsevier’s new open access journal on rare diseases - and how you can get involved. And, you won’t want to miss Shiv’s recounting of his climb of Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise money for the campaign, including the special photo taken at the summit. Mentioned in this episode: www.osmosis.org/zebra