The video titled "9 SIGNS Warning FATTY LIVER ISSUES" delves into the subtle indicators that may signify the presence of fatty liver issues. Exploring the scientific aspects of hepatic steatosis, the video emphasizes how the liver can become a storage site for excess fat, leading to various health complications. It underscores the global prevalence of fatty liver disease, often attributed to dietary choices such as the overconsumption of omega-6 vegetable oils, sugary foods, and the impact of alcohol. The video systematically presents nine signs that your liver might be accumulating more fat than it should, including right shoulder pain, belly fat, rib pain (costochondritis), spider veins, gynecomastia, swollen right foot, itchy hands/feet, low thyroid, and constant fatigue. Each sign is explained in detail, connecting it to the underlying fatty liver issues. The video concludes with practical lifestyle changes and remedies to address and reverse fatty liver disease, urging viewers to seek medical advice for further evaluation.
#FattyLiverDisease #LiverHealth #fattyliverdiseasediet

3:20 - 1. Right Shoulder Pain.
4:27 - 2. Belly Fat.
5:19 - 3. Rib Pain (Costochondritis).
6:07 - 4. Spider Veins (Angioma).
7:02 - 5. Gynecomastia.
8:21 - 7. Itchy Hands/Feet.
9:03 - 8. Low Thyroid.
9:51 - 9. Constant Fatigue.

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