Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

Did you know over 200 million dollars are spent in the U.S. each year on ovulation predictor tests? That is a lot of women buying these tests trying to get pregnant. But does it actually HELP you to get pregnant? The answer, for most women, is probably not.

Let's break this down

First, do ovulation predictor tests accurately predict ovulation? The answer is an absolute yes! These tests measure the levels of the hormone LH. The body produces a huge amount of LH just prior to ovulation. Detecting that increase will predict that ovulation is soon going to occur.

Second, do ovulation predictor tests actually improve your chance for getting pregnant? The answer - for a vast majority of women - is no! If your periods are fairly regular, then simply having intercourse once or twice before or at the time of ovulation, will get just as many patients pregnant as using an ovulation predictor test!!

However, if your periods are irregular, let's say it ranges from 28 days to 35 days, then the time of ovulation can vary from month to month. If you are able to have intercourse over a wide range of days, then you still won't have any benefit from an ovulation test. But, if it is difficult to have intercourse more often, then an ovulation predictor test can help you identify the one or two days to have intercourse to maximize your chances for getting pregnant.

So what will you do with all the extra money you have from not buying ovulation tests every months? Tell us in the comments below

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