

0:00 Introduction
0:18 Normal poop colors
1:01 Usual poop colours

As a new parent, one of the most important things you need to monitor is your baby's health. One of the most common indicators of your baby's health is their poop color. Yes, you read that right! Your baby's poop color can tell you a lot about their health. In this post, we'll take a closer look at what different poop colors can indicate about your baby's health.

Yellow Poop
If your baby's poop is yellow and seedy, it's completely normal. This is the most common poop color for breastfed babies. The color comes from the bile that's present in your baby's liver.

Green Poop
Green poop is also completely normal for breastfed babies. This is because breast milk contains a lot of foremilk, which is a low-fat milk that has a greenish color. However, if your baby is formula-fed and their poop is green, it could indicate a milk allergy or intolerance.

Brown Poop
Brown poop is the most common poop color for formula-fed babies. This is because formula milk contains iron, which can turn your baby's poop brown.

Black Poop
Black poop is not normal and could indicate that your baby is bleeding internally. If your baby's poop is black, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Red Poop
Red poop can be alarming, but it's not always a cause for concern. If your baby has eaten beets, their poop may be red. However, if your baby's poop is red and they haven't eaten beets, it could indicate that they are bleeding internally. Contact your doctor immediately if you notice this.

White Poop
White poop is not normal and could indicate a problem with your baby's liver. If your baby's poop is white, contact your doctor immediately.

Your baby's poop color can be a helpful indicator of their health. While some poop colors are normal, others can indicate a problem. By keeping a close eye on your baby's poop color and contacting your doctor if you notice any abnormalities, you can help ensure that your baby stays healthy and happy.