

0:00 Introduction
0:21 what is a combined contraceptive pill
0:53 What happens when you take combined oral contraceptive pill
2:07 Precautions
2:42 Busting myths

If you are planning to become sexually active but do not want to get pregnant, this is the right place for you to get a medical advice.
Hi guys, today we are going to talk about combined contraceptive pills.

First, what is a combined contraceptive pill?
As the name suggests, a combined contraceptive pill is a combination of two hormones incorporated in a pill that helps you in preventing the pregnancy.

These are hormones are estrogen and progesterone.

Let’s see how it works:
Hypothalamus and pituitary are two endocrine glands in our body that produce these reproductive hormones in a physiological manner. This process follows a cyclic regime every month to make an egg and prepare the uterus for the pregnancy.

Now what happens when you take combined oral contraceptive pill?
When your doctor gives you a pill with both estrogen and progesterone in it, that we call a combination pill, your body gets these hormones from an outer source in a consistent manner. Your body realizes that it doesn’t need to follow the cyclic pattern to produce hormones and it does not ovulate.
No egg means no fertilization and ultimately NO PREGNANCY!

Types of contraceptive pills
Now there are different types of combined contraceptive pills in the market based on hormone concentration.
The most common among these are Monophasic 21 days pills and the other one is Phasic 21 days pills. Both of these are to be taken for 21 days daily followed by no pill for the remaining 7 days of the month. The only difference between these pills is the concentration of the hormones. Monophasic pills have equal concentration of hormones in each pill while the phasic ones have different concentration of hormones indicated by multiple colors of the pills in a pack that have to be taken in an orderly manner.
Another type of pills are Everyday Pills that has the pills for whole cycle- 21 active pills and 7 placebo pills. These pills should be taken without any breaks.

Usually, taking the pill at the same time everyday is the most effective and assuring way of preventing pregnancy. If you miss the pill by 6-12 hours by any cause, there is a risk of waking your hormonal cycle. Once your cycle wakes up, it will release an egg for that month. And trust me! You won’t like an unwanted pregnancy. So, take your pill at the same time daily.

Some Oral contraceptives are prohibited in certain medical conditions like depression, migraine, hypertension, history of breast cancer, etc.

Busting Myths
Some of you may have heard that once you get on a pill, it will disturb your reproductive functioning, making it difficult for you to get pregnant in the future. And that is a MYTH! There is no such thing like that. Remember that if you miss your pill for 12 hours, your physiological hormone cycle may wake up and deliver an egg for you to cry for an unwanted pregnancy.
When you stop the pill, your body will slowly come to its physiological nature of rhythmic ovulation cycle every month and it would be all blood bath in your uterus again.