

0:00 Introduction
0;42 causes of Eczema
1;04 treatment of Eczema
2;03 prevention

Eczema is a broad term used for a group of skin conditions as a result of immune response of our body, that cause irritation and inflammation of the skin. It causes skin pigmentation, which we refer as scars.
These scars are mostly temporary discolorations and the skin regains its usual appearance after some time.
These spots while healing make the skin look hyperpigmented but scratching the spots can make them flare-up more.
The chronic version of it follows itch-scratch-itch cycle. In this cycle, the itch is followed by scratch and scratch is again followed by itch and the cycle goes on.
Usually, eczema scars occur as a result of:
 Scratching the skin or picking on it.
 Flare-up can cause change in pigmentation.
 Cold weather or sun exposure can cause them to flare-up
 Rough clothing like nylon, polyester or woolen
 Chlorine in swimming pools
Eczema has no cure but can be managed effectively to keep the symptoms under the wraps. Treatment of eczema scars simply involves identifying the triggers and avoiding them to prevent them from flaring-up.
A skincare routine helps loads in this situation.
It is always a better plan to consult your dermatologist for these kinds of conditions as our skin is very sensitive and needs extra care. Following the treatment plan advised by your doctor will help in subsiding the symptoms and reducing the potential damage caused by their flare-up.
The treatment generally involves:
 Over-the counter medications like hydrocortisone cream
 Oral histamines
 Prescribed steroid creams
 Bleaching creams to lighten them up
 Silicone gel sheets to flatten them out
 Laser therapy

Some medicinal plants that help in treating eczema scars:
 Aloe vera
 Turmeric
 Chamolmile
 Oatmeal
Since we all know that prevention is better than cure. The best preventive measure you can use is to refrain yourself from scratching your eczema affected area. This won’t stop the dyspigmentation but will sure prevent it from getting worse. Scratching can lead to a permanent scar but if you forbid yourself to ruin it by scratching, it will resolve by itself within a few days.
There are some other methods you can use to manage eczema and preventing it from flaring up:
 Cleansing and moisturizing the skin at least twice in 24 hours.
 Avoid applying irritating components on your skin
 Using clean towels and clothes
 Test a new product on a small portion of your skin to know whether it suits you or not.
 Take short baths with lukewarm water. Avoid too cold and hot water.
 Use fragrance-free body care products
If you feel that your skin pigmentation is affecting your life quality then you should go see your dermatologist. Some people care a lot about their appearance and it can contribute a lot to their self confidence. So if these flare-ups are a hurdle in your life then your dermatologist is the one who can help you in this matter.