In this video I end the unit on cognition with the reminder that heuristics are not just about making errors in decision-making. Most of the time heuristics work well and they serve as useful tools for making sense of the world and being able to make decisions with limited information. In some cases they can even make less information more useful for getting to the correct answer, as demonstrated by Daniel Goldstein and Gerd Gigenrenzer's study on the recognition heuristic. Our penchant for shortcuts also helps us to develop greater efficiency and enables the lightning-fast decision-making of chess grandmasters, baseball batters, and chicken sexers. As we make our way through the world heuristics may occasionally cause us to stumble but we shouldn't ignore those times they enable us to leap.
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Check out my psychology guide: Master Introductory Psychology, a low-priced alternative to a traditional textbook: http://amzn.to/2eTqm5s
Daniel Kahneman - Thinking, Fast and Slow (Amazon)