Object Oriented Programming is one of the most common programming patterns, but it can be incredibly confusing with all the new terminology. In this video I will be breaking down the basic Object Oriented Programming terms, Class, Object, Instance, Instantiate, and Constructor. By the end of this video you will have a complete understanding of how Classes, Objects, and Constructors interact and relate to one another.
Class: Similar to a blueprint. It defines what its objects will look like (functions, parameters, etc.)
Object: Similar to a house produced from a blueprint. It is an instance of a class and contains all the specific details of the class that are not shared with any of the other objects, such as the color for a house.
Constructor: This is the method that is called when creating an object from a class. It is usually used to set all of the specific details of the object such as color in the house example.
New: The new keyword is used before a class name to create an object using the class constructor.
🧠Concepts Covered:
- What are classes
- What are objects
- Objects vs Classes
- How to create objects
- How to create classes
- What are constructors
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#ClassVsObject #OOP #Constructor