Testing is one of those things that people either love or hate. Usually testing is something that is hated, until you work on a project with good tests and you realize how amazing they are. In this video I am going to show you how to get started with testing in JavaScript using Jest. I will talk about the code you need in order to write tests, as well as show you some pitfalls of testing. At the end of the video I will breakdown the importance of testing and some best practices you can adhere to in order to make your tests amazing.


Spread Operator Video: https://youtu.be/NIq3qLaHCIs
Reference Vs Value Video: https://youtu.be/-hBJz2PPIVE

🧠 Concepts Covered:

- How to install Jest
- What unit testing is
- Why testing is important
- How to write unit tests with Jest
- The importance of test coverage

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#Jest #WDS #UnitTest