Writing code is easy. Writing clean code, though, is much harder. In this video I take a look at two different code examples from a beginner, intermediate, and advanced level. The goal of this is to show you how a senior developer will think while programming and how they will structure their code to be as clean and well-written as possible.


Template Literals Article: https://blog.webdevsimplified.com/2020-03/tagged-template-literals
Guard Clause Article: https://blog.webdevsimplified.com/2020-01/guard-clauses
Destructoring Video Tutorial: https://youtu.be/NIq3qLaHCIs
Reduce Function Tutorial: https://youtu.be/R8rmfD9Y5-c?t=387
GitHub Code: https://github.com/WebDevSimplified/Noob-Vs-Pro-Code

🧠 Concepts Covered:

- How senior developers think
- Using guard clauses to clean up code
- The differences between senior and junior developers
- What to think about when programming

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#NoobVsPro #WDS #CleanCode