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In this tutorial, I'll share my login authentication & user registration setup for React & Next.js projects. I'm using Kinde Auth. It's a complete full-featured solution with passwordless, social and credential logins, single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor auth and much more.

**Set up a FREE Kinde Auth account here:** https://bit.ly/dg-kinde

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My Login Authentication & User Registration Setup for React & Next.js | Kinde Auth

(00:00) Intro
(00:05) Welcome
(00:30) Kinde Auth
(01:58) Next.js Project
(03:09) Set up your Kinde account
(04:52) Environment Variables
(05:44) Configure Auth Choices
(06:57) Middleware
(07:50) api / auth / [kindeAuth] / route.ts
(08:34) Components
(12:26) Try out our App with Kinde Auth!

Tutorial References:
Kinde Official Site: https://bit.ly/dg-kinde
Kinde Auth Next.js Starter Kit: https://github.com/kinde-starter-kits/kinde-nextjs-app-router-starter-kit/
Next.js Official Site: https://nextjs.org/

Was this tutorial about my user registration and login authentication set up with Kinde and the Next.js 13 App Directory helpful? If so, please share. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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