Problem solving is the most important thing you will do as a program manager. Chris, Program Manager at Google Search, takes you through the kinds of problems you may have to solve, and how to solve them and get buy-in for your solutions.

This video is part of the Google Project Management Certificate, which introduces learners to project management fundamentals including various approaches, tools and templates, goal-setting, risk management, team dynamics, and data-driven decision making.

The program, created by Google employees in the field, is designed to provide you with job-ready skills in about 6 months to start or advance your career in Project Management.

Take the Certificate HERE:

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#GrowWithGoogle #GoogleCareerCertificate #ProjectManagement

Why earn a Google Career Certificate?
► No experience necessary: Learn job-ready skills, with no college degree required.
► Learn at your own pace: Complete the 100% online courses on your own terms.
► Stand out to employers: Make your resume competitive with a credential from Google.
► A path to in-demand jobs: Connect with top employers who are currently hiring.