You have made a great career choice. You have chosen to study and progress in IT, a field that is not going away. Information Technology is only growing — on a large scale! It is a unique path due to the fact that you do not need years of university training to excel, you need focused instruction to learn the specific skill set required to be an effective problem solver in IT. You can come from virtually any background, and take your tech career in a vast number of directions as you advance. Hear further insight about your future IT career from Alex, a Site Reliability Engineer at Google, in this video.

This video is part of the Google IT Support Certificate, which introduces learners to troubleshooting, customer service, networking, operating systems, systems administration, and security. The program, created by Google employees in the field, is designed to provide you with job-ready skills in about 6 months to start or advance your career in IT.

Take the Certificate HERE:

Why earn a Google Career Certificate?
► No experience necessary: Learn job-ready skills, with no college degree required.
► Learn at your own pace: Complete the 100% online courses on your own terms.
► Stand out to employers: Make your resume competitive with a credential from Google.
► A path to in-demand jobs: Connect with top employers who are currently hiring.

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