Python programming is the most popular language. In the field of data science and machine learning #pythonprogramming is must needed skill. In this course you will learn about python programming from basic towards the advance. The following topics of Python programming have been explained very comprehensive way.

Python Programming: Types, Variable, Mutability, object, state (0:00)
Python Programming: Text, String, Escaping, Raw, Repr, Encoding and Methods (10:47:15)
Python Programming: List, Range, Metrics (32:22)
Python Programming: Tuples, Set (52:39)
Python Programming: Arithmetic comparisons, Assignment, Identity, Equality and Membership (1:3:40)
Python Programming: if, else, elif, decision control (1:20:41)
Python Programming: Loops, for loops, while loops (1:30:20)
Python Programming: Dictionary (1:47:11)
Python Programming: scope, namespace, private (1:59:11)
Python Programming: Functions, arguments and parameters (2:14:48)
Python Programming: Decorators, nesting and first class function (02:39:48)
Python Programming: comprehensions of generators, loops, dict (03:01:25)
Python Programming: Recursion, iterable, generators, yield (03:20:30)
Python Programming: Debugging, Exception Handling (03:36:22)

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License: Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)
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