Microsoft MD-100 - Windows Client (Full Video Course). Introduction to the full free training course. Covers both Windows 10 & Windows 11.

Short introduction video explaining what the course is about and who it is intended for. Intro also explains how the course will be delivered and what to expect in the videos to come.

Happy Learning Folks!

I will be covering the Full Official Microsoft MD-100 Course which consists of 13 Modules. A dedicated video will be created for each official module of the course which also means each video will be extremely long!

If your looking for a specific topic in a module or just want to see what is covered in the module, please have a peak in the video description where all the topics covered will be listed with their time stamps for your convenience.

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Special Thank You to my Patreon & Paypal Supporters for sponsoring this video and making it possible:

Patreon Supporters:

Enrique Villegas

PayPal Supporters:

Juan Garcia