Kubernetes runs on Port 6443 and manages processes automatically. When a client makes a request, it goes to the master node which then communicates with worker nodes to retrieve the required contents.
The containers in Kubernetes have a proxy service that allows end users to establish a communication network.
Docker is needed to run the Kubernetes service, as containers need to be created and managed. Docker should be installed first before using Kubernetes.
Each container in Kubernetes will automatically have a pre-installed Linux operating system, removing the need for separate OS setup.
Any dependencies required for an application to run are packaged together in the image and set up on the container, ensuring the smooth running of the application.


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About 360DigiTMG
360DigiTMG is a 9-year-old training & consulting organization led by stalwarts of the industry who are alumnus of premier institutions like the Indian Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Management and Indian School of Business. 360DigiTMG since its inception has been the forerunner in the space of management and niche programs that aid in up-skilling and cross skilling executives across various levels and domains. 360DigiTMG has been conducting training programs across the globe for corporate and individuals alike.
360DigiTMG is one stop solution to all the trainings in emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, Project Management, Quality Management, etc. 360DigiTMG is a training company, which is a division of the analytics consulting firm Innodatatics Inc.

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