No doubt you've explored TPM, Lean Manufacturing, OEE, maybe even ROCE. But does your EAM and CMMS incorporate TDC (True Downtime Cost)?? Does your big data analytics incorporate the true cost of downtime? See and Download at

If not, you've missed the low hanging fruit in this alphabet soup. (yuk.. fruit and soup) Download "The True Cost of Downtime" ebook today and learn about the missing link in Lean Manufacturing. Yes, there will be a section on OEE, even TEEP. But that is just to give you some context in this Activity Based Costing (ABC) methodology known as TDC (copywrite 1995-2017 by Learn how you can make better informed decisions using TDC and pick the greater savings quicker. Also, as you read, you may realize TDC is also the missing link in big data analytics. This book should be a part of all lean manufacturing training, especially while comparing activity based costing vs traditional costing.

Related: ROIC, Gemba, theory of constraints