1) List the PDBs and respective Modes
sqlplus / as sysdba
show pdbs

2) Check the Saved State for all PDB’s from DBA view
select a.name,b.state from v$pdbs a , dba_pdb_saved_states b where a.con_id = b.con_id;

3) Check the Saved State for all PDB’s from CDB view
SELECT con_name, instance_name, state FROM cdb_pdb_saved_states;

4) Change Save State of PDB by usig below statement
alter pluggable database PDB1 save state;

5) To discard any saved state of a pluggable database using below statement
alter pluggable database PDB1 discard state;

Refer more details here:

#PDB #CDB #Multitenant #oracle #database #dba

Mallikarjun Ramadurg
WhatsApp: +91 9880616848
gmail: [email protected]