Hi Friends,

Welcome you back on exiting topic, Today’s session is on

ARCHIVELOG mode is a mode that you can put the database in for creating a backup of all transactions that have occurred in the database so that you can recover to any point in time.

NOARCHIVELOG mode is basically the absence of ARCHIVELOG mode and has the disadvantage of not being able to recover to any point in time.

Converting database from noarchivelog mode to archivelog mode:
--- Please note that converition of noarchivelog to archivelog mode is only posible in database mount state:

1. Login to database and verify the database state and log mode:
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL] select name, open_mode, database_role, log_mode from v$database;
SQL] archive log list

2. Shutdown the database
SQL] shut immediate

3. Start the database in mount mode.
SQL] startup mount;
SQL] archive log list

4. Convert the database from noarchivelog to archivelog mode
SQL] alter database archivelog;

5. Open the database
SQL] alter database open;

6. Verify the database state and log mode:

SQL] select name, open_mode, database_role, log_mode from v$database;
SQL] archive log list

Converting database from archivelog mode to noarchivelog mode:
--- Please note that converition of noarchivelog to archivelog mode is only posible in database mount state:

1. Login to database and verify the database state and log mode:
SQL] select name, open_mode, database_role, log_mode from v$database;
SQL] archive log list

2. Shutdown the database
SQL] shut immediate

3. Start the database in mount mode.
SQL] startup mount;

4. Convert the database from archivelog to noarchivelog mode
SQL] alter database noarchivelog;

5. Open the database
SQL] alter database open;

6. Verify the database state and log mode:
SQL] select name, open_mode, database_role, log_mode from v$database;
SQL] archive log list

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Mallikarjun Ramadurg
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