Hello Friends,

Here with one more topic on.

CPT 6: Oracle Database Server Architecture Overview - Oracle Database Basic Understanding:

- Shared pool
- Database buffer cache
- Redo log buffer
- Large pool
- Java pool
- Streams pool

Database Storage Architecture
- control files
- data files
- online redo log files
- parameter files
- Password file
- archived redo log files
- backup files
- alert log files
- trace files

Server Processes
- Dedicated server process
- Shared server process

Background Processes
- Database writer process (DBWn)
- Log writer process (LGWR)
- Checkpoint process (CKPT)
- System monitor process (SMON)
- Process monitor process (PMON)
- Recovered process (RECO)
- Archiver processes (ARCn)

#databse #OracleDatabaseServerArchitecture #RAC #exadata #oracle #oracledatabase #oracledba #database #databaseperformanceIssue

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Mallikarjun Ramadurg
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