Hi Friends,

Welcome you back on exciting topic, today’s session is on

Establish Passwordless ssh connection between RAC DB nodes in #EXADATA or Non-Exadata:

EXADATA or Non-Exadata Steps:

1. OS user creation "grid"

useradd -u 1100 -g oinstall -G dba grid

2. create dbs_group file (Applicable only for Exadata)

[grid@dbadm01 ~]$ cat dbs_group

3. Check for public key id_rsa.pub exist for a user or not under /home DIR/.ssh

If id_rsa.pub key is not available then only perform the bellow steps otherwise move to step 4

[grid@dbadm01 ~]$ssh-keygen -t rsa

4. Pass the public key id_rsa.pub to all other cluster nodes.

[grid@dbadm01 ~]$ dcli -g /home/grid/dbs_group -l grid -k -s '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
grid@dbadm01's password:
grid@dbadm02's password:
dbadm01: ssh key added
dbadm02: ssh key added
[grid@dbadm01 ~]$

Copy content of id_rsa.pub from node1 and paste it under the file authorized_keys for all other cluster nodes from all nodes.

5. Verification:

[grid@dbadm01 ~]$ ssh dbadm02
Last login: Wed Jun 6 10:14:14 2018 from dbadm01
[grid@dbadm02 ~]$ ssh dbadm01
Last login: Wed Jun 6 10:14:06 2018 from dbadm01
[grid@dbadm01 ~]$

How to configure ssh for current user on a list of nodes (Doc ID 1923785.1)
#Exadata #oracle #rac #database #oracledba

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Mallikarjun Ramadurg
Mobile: +966 543796525
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Blog: https://mallik034.blogspot.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mallikarjun-ramadurg-397a751a
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