In this video, i have explained Non Deterministic Finite Automata Example with following timecodes:
0:00 – Theory of Computation Lecture Series
0:34 – Example-3
1:30 – Accepting words [Example-3]
3:01 – Drawing NFA [Example-3]
8:32 – Example-4
9:03 – Accepting words [Example-4]
10:04 – Drawing NFA [Example-4]

Following points are covered in this video:
1. Non Deterministic Finite Automata Example (NFA)
2. NFA Examples
3. NFA Example - String ending with 101
4. NFA Example with substring
5. Validation check of NFA

Engineering Funda channel is all about Engineering and Technology. Here this video is a part of Theory of Computation.

#NonDeterministicFiniteAutomata , #NFA, #NFAExamples, #MultipleTransitionPathinNFA, #AcceptingStateinNFA, #ValidationcheckofNFA, #TOC, #TheoryofComputation