This video list Important questions regarding 8085 Microprocessor

1. Explain the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller.
2. Explain 3 types of operations performed by 8085.
3. Draw and explain the bus Architecture of 8085.
4. Explain programming model of 8085.
5. Draw Flag register of 8085 and explain functions of each in brief.
6. Explain the terms Assembly language, Machine language, Compiler, Assembler, Interpreter, Linker.
7. Explain Address Bus, Data Bus and Control Bus of 8085.
8. Explain 16 bit registers of 8086.
9. Explain Memory Classification in detail.
10. Calculate number of chips needed to design 8Kb (8K × 8 ) memory if the memory chip size is 1K × 1 (1024 × 1).
11. Write down features of 8085.
12. Explain control and status signals of 8085.
13. Explain IO/M, S1,S0, RD and WR signals of 8085.
14. Describe the functions of the following 8085 pins.
1) ALE 2) READY 3) TRAP 4) HOLD 5) HLDA 6) SID 7) SOD 8) RESET IN 9) X1 & X2
15. Draw and explain the De Multiplexing concept of 8085.
16. Draw and explain Architecture of 8085.
17. Draw and explain timing diagram of MOV A, B instruction.
18. Draw and explain timing diagram of MVI A,32H instruction.
19. Draw and explain timing diagram of LDA 2000H AND STA 3000H instructions.
20. Explain RISC Vs CISC architecture of Microprocessor.
21. Explain Harvard Vs. Von Neumann architecture of Microprocessor.
22. Draw and explain how 8085 generates control signals.
23. Explain demultiplexing concept of 8085.
24. What do you mean by absolute and partial decoding.
25. Interface 4K byte RAM with 8085 with the starting address 8800H and also write down ending address of the same.
26. Interface Memory to meet the following requirements
74LS138 decoder
2732 (4K×8): EPROM with address starting from 0000H
6116 (2K × 8 ): R/W memory with address starting from 2000H
27. List out the difference between memory mapped and I/O mapped (Peripheral mapped) I/O.
28. Interface i/p switches with address FAh and o/p LEDs with an address F8h and write a program to read S/Ws and display the content on LEDs.
29. Interface Common anode seven segment display with an address F5H and write a program to display digit 2 on it.
30. Interface 8 switches connected at address FFF9H with 8 output devices at address FFF8H and write a program to turn output devices on/off according to the s/w position.
31. Draw and explain the timing diagram of IN and OUT Instruction of 8085.
32. Explain the concept of bytes, machine cycle and T states with respect to 8085.
33. Explain addressing modes of 8085.
34. Explain how the instructions are classified in 8085.
35. Explain at least one 1 byte, one 2 byte and one 3 byte instruction of 8085.
36. Explain following instructions with bytes, machine cycles and T states and also take one example to explain them.
i) DAA ii) DAD iii) PCHL iv) LHLD v) XTHL vi) LXI vii) PUSH
viii) RAL ix) RLC x) XCHG xi) ADD M xii) CMP xiii) RIM xiv) SIM
37. Write a program to transfer a block of data from C550H to C55FH. Store the data from C570H to C57FH .
38. Write a program to add 10 data bytes. Data is stored from locations C200. Store result at C300H and C301Hs.
39. Write a program to count length of digits starting from 2000h. String is ended with digit FFH.
40. Write a program to count total number of even numbers starting from 3000h to 300FH and store the answer in register B.
41. Write a program to count total number of zeros, positive and negative numbers starting from 3000h to 300FH and store the answer in register B, D and E.
42. Write a program to arrange 10 bytes of data in ascending order.
43. Write a program to arrange 10 bytes of data in descending order.
44. Write a program to find maximum and minimum numbers from the array of 10 bytes.
45. 8 Bit Binary no (9FH) is stored in memory location 2050h. Convert this Hex no into its equivalent ASCII.
46. Two digit BCD no stored at location 2050h.Write a program and conversion subroutine (BCDBIN) to convert the BCD no in to its equivalent binary no. Store the result in a memory location 2060h.
47. Write a program to count continuously in hexadecimal from FFH to 00H with 1ms delay between each count in a system with a 0.5µs clock period and display the numbers at output port 00h.
48. How much maximum delay we can generate with the help of register pair. Assume clock frequency of 8085 is 2MHz.
49. Write a program to count from 0 to 9 continuously with a one second delay between each count. Assume clock frequency to be 1MHz.
50. Write a program to generate a continuous square wave with the period of 500µs. Assume the system clock period is 325ns and use bit D0 to output the square wave.
51. What do you mean by STACK explain PUSH and POP instruction in detail.

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