Today I want to share a few of my favorite little tricks I end up using every day. while designing interfaces and graphics in Sketch for Mac.

All of the following 5 tricks do not require plugins, they all come out of the box in the current version of sketch which as of this video is Sketch 42 (awesome version FYI)

1. Inner Shadow Line
All of those are fine and dandy but Sketch's easy access to an “inner shadows” allows me to create table cells and separation of elements in seconds and the best part is I can then butt elements right up to each other and not worry about what layer is in from or beneath.

2. Reduce File Size
One of the ways you can remedy this issue is to use Sketch’s built-in ability to “reduce the file size” by searching for all those high res photos and downsampling them to fit your project. Don’t worry you won’t even be able to tell except for the alert that tells you what a good boy or girl you are and how much space you saved today.

3. Drag Images Into The Fill Panel
Seriously though, 9 times out of 10 these days I use this trick to place images into my project. Simply draw a shape and switch its fill to an image, but no need to click and search your computer for that image. If you are prepared like a Boy Scout, have the file open in your finder and just drag it into the image thumbnail and bam! perfectly sized photo element in your project. Take it one step further by not even having to pull images from your computer but straight from the web… I know cool right?

4. Use Command, to Find The Center Between Two Points
When editing vector shapes sometimes you need to add more points and a common need for me is to add a point directly in between 2 others. Don’t eyeball that! just hold the ⌘ key and hover over the edge of the shape and it will lock onto the exact center.

5. Nesting Symbols
I just cannot say enough how much I love this feature. Bohemian Coding has really spent the time listening to the modern design community and built something that makes life as a designer better. Isn’t that the point of software? The perfect example of this commitment to improving lives is Sketch’s ability to Nest Symbols inside of other Symbols to make amazing magic happen.


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