ReactJs Complete Course: In this complete react tutorial for beginners in Hindi Course, We will learn why we use react and how React can be used to build amazing Single page applications.

React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications.

ECMAScript 2015 was the second major revision to JavaScript.

ECMAScript 2015 is also known as ES6 and ECMAScript 6.

ECMAScript 2015 or ES2015 is a significant update to the JavaScript programming language. It is the first major update to the language since ES5 which was standardized in 2009. Therefore, ES2015 is often called ES6.

JavaScript ES6 brings new syntax and new awesome features to make your code more modern and more readable. It allows you to write less code and do more. ES6 introduces us to many great features like arrow functions, template strings, class destruction, Modules… and more.

Knowledge of ES6 is important when building React applications. ES6 brought a lot of cool syntax changes to JavaScript that make writing JavaScript much easier.