Database Keys In DBMS
Primary Key, Foreign Key , Super Key, Candidate Key In DBMS Explained.

In this video , we are going to discuss , one of the most important topic in the database management system that is what are database keys and different types of database keys used in the, database design.
The database keys are used to define and establish the relationship between the tables during the database normalization.
And therefore , the students studying the database management system DBMS must have a good understanding of the database keys.
In this tutorial , you will learn what is a database key in DBMS different types of keys and how these keys are defined and used, during the database design stage.

This tutorial will also help you understand some important related topics such as table structure , primary key , foreign key , candidate key , composite key and other related topics.
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Database Keys In DBMS
#databasekeys #primarykey #foreignkey #candidatekey #superkey