What Is Instruction Cycle ?
Fetch , Decode And Execute Cycle Explained Step By Step
The Instruction cycle, is an important topic in computer organization and architecture.
In simple words , the instruction cycle is the time required by the C P U to execute one single program instruction.
The term instruction cycle is also commonly referred to as, the machine cycle but there is a difference between these two C P U operations that we are going to discuss, in this tutorial.
The computer system’s main function, is to execute, the computer program.
The computer program consist of set of, machine instructions .
The central processing unit C P U is responsible to execute these program instructions.
In this tutorial , you will learn what is instruction cycle and how it is related to the machine cycle .
We will also discuss some important fundamental concepts such as what are program instructions and how computer’s micro processor executes the program instructions.
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#InstructionCycle #MachineCycle #CPUCycle #FetchDecodeExecute
What You will Learn In this Video :
What Is Instruction Cycle ?
Definition Of Instruction Cycle .
Difference Between Instruction Cycle And Machine Cycle.
Fetch , Decode , Execute Cycle.
How CPU Executes Program Instructions.
Computer Organization And Architecture.
Instruction Cycle Explained - Step By Step.