In this Video Tutorial, I am going to teach MongoDB and its concept. MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented, NoSQL database program. The course is for beginners and consists of 30 lessons.

Below topics are explained in this MongoDB course:
1. MongoDB Introduction 00:48
2. Install MongoDB on Windows 05:18
3. Create a database in MongoDB 11:05
4. Create a collection in MongoDB 14:46
5. Drop a Collection 21:17
6. Drop a database 25:01
7. Insert Documents 27:32
8. Display Documents 36:35
9. pretty() method 39:35
10. Show collections 42:26
11. AND Operator 44:37
12. OR Operator 47:50
13. NOR Operator 51:59
14. NOT Operator 55:54
15. LIMIT documents 58:54
16. SKIP documents (skip()) 1:01:37
17. Insert only a single document (insertOne()) 1:04:41
18. Sort records 1:13:44
19. Text Index 1:18:31
20. LIMIT with SKIP in a single query 1:22:44
21. find() method 1:27:54
22. Text Search - $text 1:30:56
23. Insert Multiple Documents (insertMany()) 1:33:44
24. explain() 1:42:47
25. aggregate() 1:44:50
26. Create Text Index 1:48:16
27. Delete Text Index 1:52:28
28. stats() 1:56:20
29. listCommands() 1:58:01
30. getCollectionInfos() 1:59:08

#MongoDBTutorial #LearnMongoDB #MongoDB5

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