इस एक video में मैने C++ Programming को Basic से Advance तक बताया है, जिसमें हमने C++ के सारे Chapters को theory notes + concepts + programs के साथ detail में explain किया है!
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C++ Full Course PDF
C++ Programming Topics-Time:
C++ Basics:- 00:00:12
What is C++? 00:02:46
●Syntax of C++ Language: 00:06:04
Turbo C++ Installation: 00:09:37
First C++ Program: 00:11:49
Compilation & Execution Process: 00:15:50
What is Datatype? 00:17:48
What is Variable? 00:22:27
What is Keyword? 00:34:47
What is Constant? 00:39:26
What is Identifier? 00:43:25
What is Operator? 00:45:48
Conditional Statement:- 00:48:27
●if statement: 00:48:57
●if else statement: 00:53:52
●if else if ladder statement: 01:04:10
●nested if else statement: 01:12:50
●switch statement: 01:18:52
Loops: 01:32:34
●while loop: 01:35:29
●for loop: 01:46:26
●do while loop: 01:50:44
●nested loop: 02:15:38
Jumping Statement: 01:55:14
●Jumping Statement Program: 01:55:48
What is Array? 02:08:40
What is String? 02:22:00
What is Pointer? 02:31:09
What is Function? 02:37:58
What is Storage Class? 02:42:11
What is Structure? 02:57:25
What is Union? 03:03:54
What is Enumeration? 03:11:54
What is Macro? 03:17:12
What is File Handling? 03:26:47
What is Exception Handling? 03:39:33
HOMEWORK --- 03:48:43
C++ OOPs Topics-Time: 03:53:57
Class & Object 03:55:16
Access Specifier 04:07:47
Constructor & Destructor 04:14:40
Friend Function 04:31:34
Friend Class 04:44:01
Abstraction 04:52:40
Encapsulation 05:02:51
Inheritance:- 05:11:10
• simple inheritance
• multilevel inheritance
• multiple inheritance
• hierarchical inheritance
Polymorphism:- 05:47:04
▪︎function overloading
▪︎function overriding
Abstract Class 06:05:28
Template:- 06:13:04
¤ function template
¤ class template
Namespace 06:23:19
C++ PDF Notes
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|| Content ||
1. writer :- ankush
2. voice :- akhilesh
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