Discover Google Ads strategies and best practices for keyword targeting. When you are targeting your Google Ads for search keywords, there are some best practices, tips, and Google Ads tricks to keep in mind. My goal was to give you my Google Ads strategy when it comes to creating search campaigns, organizing keywords into Ad Groups, choosing Keyword Match Types, and choosing Keyword Bids in Google Ads. It's not easy to create great Google AdWords campaigns, so I put together my top keyword targeting tips for Google AdWords so you can have some best practices that will help you drive more conversions with your search campaigns.

7 Google Ads Search Keyword Targeting Best Practices:

1. Limit Search Campaigns to Search Network Only and Search Partners. Avoid the Google Display Network when targeting search keywords and creating search advertisements.

2. Group keywords into organized Ad Groups by theme so you can create the most relevant ads and send traffic to the most targeted landing pages. More Ad Groups will generally mean a better overall campaign for your business.

3. Avoid Broad Match Keywords altogether that do not have a modifier. Broad match keywords are not very targeted and your ads will show for unrelated searches that are not going to drive conversions, leads, and sales for your business.

4. Utilize Broad Match Modifier keywords for expansion, testing, and more volume. Broad Match Modifier keywords will use the keyword intent and Google Ads will find synonyms and related searches for your campaign. Utilize Exact Match Keywords for better targeting and less volume. Exact Match keywords will only show your ads for the exact search term or very similar search terms that closely match your keywords.

5. Do not worry about misspellings, keyword order, or plurals. Google Ads will still show your advertisements even if your keywords are not an exact match or if a user misspells a common term.

6. Check the Search Terms report and add Negative Keywords every single week. You need to continue to add negative keywords to your search campaigns to improve your targeting and your conversion rate.

7. Use the Google Keyword Planner (tutorial below) in order to estimate keyword bids and find keywords to target for your business.

What are the targeting options in search network ads?

If you are wondering how keywords work in AdWords and looking for keyword targeting AdWords best practices, the video should be very helpful as you get started. There are 4 keyword match types: Broad Match keywords, Broad Match Modifier keywords, Phrase Match keywords, and Exact Match keywords. The keyword targeting match types have changed over time as Google has continued to learn more about user intent when people search in the Google search engine. Keyword targeting will allow you to show your advertisements for the search terms that are most relevant for your business's products and/or services.

You can also target audiences as well, but that is a different video tutorial that I will publish onto my channel.

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