In this course, you will focus on making decisions and escalating incidents to stakeholders. You'll develop the communication and collaboration skills needed to inform and influence stakeholders within an organization. In addition, you'll explore how to ethically operate as a cybersecurity professional. You'll discover how to engage with the cybersecurity community, explore jobs in the cybersecurity field, and complete practice interviews. You'll also write a resume and cover letter to prepare for applying and interviewing for jobs in cybersecurity.

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Get started with the course - 00:00:00
Event and incident detection - 00:02:51
Your impact on data protection - 00:06:26
Review: Protect assets and communicate incidents - 00:09:52
Escalation in cybersecurity - 00:10:59
To escalate or not to escalate - 00:16:25
Timing is everything - 00:19:50
Review: Escalate incidents - 00:25:33
Understand your stakeholders - 00:26:39
Communicate for impact - 00:31:48
Visual communication using a dashboard - 00:37:44
Review: Communicate effectively to influence stakeholders - 00:45:18
Reliable sources go a long way - 00:47:04
Build your cybersecurity network - 00:51:09
Review: Engage with the cybersecurity community - 00:54:26
Find and prepare for a job in cybersecurity - 00:55:23
The cybersecurity job interview process - 01:05:13
Answer interview questions - 01:15:24
Develop an elevator pitch - 01:20:45
Review: Find and apply for cybersecurity jobs - 01:24:05
Certificate wrap-up - 01:26:00

#GoogleCareerCertificates #Cybersecurity #Career

About Google Career Certificates:
Google Career Certificates are lessons designed to prepare you for entry-level roles in career fields like cybersecurity, data analytics, digital marketing & e-commerce, IT support, project management, or user experience (UX) design. Google Career Certificates give learners the skills they need to apply for more than 2.4 million in-demand jobs with a median salary of $76,000+.

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Google Career Certificates

How To Prepare For Your Cybersecurity Career | Google Cybersecurity Certificate